contact the editor - Good News

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"Good News" Parish Magazine
The monthly magazine for Eastling, Otterden, Stalisfield and Throwley
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About "Good News" Parish Magazine
About this website
This website is the authorised on-line source of current and past editions of "Good News", the magazine for the parishes of Eastling, Otterden, Stalisfield and Throwley.
You are permitted to download files on this website for personal use.   However, they are not to be re-published and distributed in any form without the prior permission of the Good News Editor.
The editor welcomes news of local events and articles and photographs for possible inclusion in the magazine. Submission will be regarded as agreement by the originator for his or her material to be published in "Good News" and on this website. Contributors retain all rights to further use of their work and their permission should be obtained before any re-publication. Contributors may normally be contacted via the Editor of "Good News".
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Contact the Editor
The Editor is:
Mrs Hilary Harlow, Pinks Farm, Kettle Hill Road, Eastling, Faversham, Kent ME13 0BA.
01795 890338;  e-mail: click here.
Editorial contributions are normally required by the 15th of the month preceding publication.
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